Yr 10 got cancelled

Yr 10 got cancelled

So two days ago, a boy in my year had a seisure on our field from a yr 10 tackling him in all contact rugby. It was obviously on accident but because the boy in my year had a seisure for getting tackled. Everyone is ignoring the yr 10 , even his friends left him and everyone pretends he doesn’t exist. I feel bad for the boy who had the seisure but i also feel bad for the kid that tackled him because they were just playing and this was an accident, i highly doubted he wanted this to happen. All of the boy’s (who had the seisure) friends were crying and they were asking to leave class for a couple minutes as they were flooding with tears from the trauma of this event and I know I could never imagine the pain you must be in if your best friend was fine a couple seconds ago then they have a seisure the next second, that sounds just traumatizing.

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